Usage Meter Download For Android

If you are using limited internet data plan, you should worry about your internet usage in your computer.Here we talked about your monthly bandwidth stats. If you are a heavy internet user, you mostly download lots of movies, games, songs, streaming videos and browsing internet.

Monitor Internet Usage in Windows

Here are eight Android pedometer apps to turn your phone into a pedometer. Consuming as much juice over twenty-two hours as keeping your screen on for twenty minutes or just three minutes of GPS usage. But much more exciting is the fact that you can virtually high five your friends when they hit their goals. 8 Free Music Download Apps.

Now you need to monitoring your internet, so you can know how much you use bandwidth in one month. In this post, we collect some good software for monitor your internet data in your windows PC.

Monitor Internet Data Usage in Window PC [Real-Time]

1. Shaplus Bandwidth Meter

  1. If you are migrating from vCloud Usage Meter or and have already accepted the legal agreement, you do not need to accept it again after you complete the migration to vCloud Usage Meter 3.6.1. Regardless if you migrated data, or deployed and configured a new appliance, run both vCloud Usage Meter appliances for at least two months.
  2. Head back to Settings Wireless & Networks Data Usage and tap on an app. Check the box labeled “Restrict Background Data” (in Nougat, this is just a switch called “Background Data”, which you’ll want to turn off instead of on). This will limit its data usage from the operating system level.
  3. Sep 07, 2014  Download SLT Usage Meter apk 2.0 for Android. Monitor your SLT Broadband usage with ease. Never lose a single megabyte again.

Shaplus Bandwidth software is simple, easy and also lightweight software for any window users. Shaplus Bandwidth Meter is totally free software without any adware. You can monitor you daily internet usage in real time and also see you whole month data usage in real time.

ShaPlus Bandwidth Meter


Download Shaplus Bandwidth Meter from Official Website

2. Glasswire

Shaplus is simple, but this one is totally an amazing with lots of features. Deep clean antivirus for android free download latest version. Glasswire comes with the very good interface, that’s why this is one of the most popular internet bandwidth monitoring software.

Glasswire is not totally free, but you can download its free version from its Official website. With Glasswire internet monitoring software, you get inbuilt firewall software, WiFi monitoring and also Who’s on your WiFi or Network software.


Glasswire – Monitor Internet Usage in Window PC

Download Glasswire from Official Website

Monitor your internet data usage in Android Mobile(Real-Time)Eclipse adt with android sdk for windows download.

Internet Speed Meter is a free app available on Google Play Store for monitoring your internet data usage in real time. You can also see you live internet speed in your android mobile status bar.

Monitor Internet Usage in Android

Developer: DynamicApps
Price: Free

Now you can monitor you internet data usage in your window pc from these tricks. If you want more tricks related to internet or window see below post.

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